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It's All About Tea — teapot

What’s The Deal With The Pure Silver GongFu Teapot?

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

Aside from their steep price tag, we’re talking $500 plus for one teapot, what is it that has people buying silver teapots for gong fu cha? With Yixing clay, porcelain, glass, and cast iron, there's plenty of teaware to choose from. So is the pure silver teapot really worth it? (Read more )

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Pairing a Yixing Teapot with Tea

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

If you have looked into yixing clay before then you have probably heard people suggesting only to use your yixing teaware with one type of tea. This is because the clay is porous and easily absorbs flavors and aromas. (Read more)

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Seasoning Your Yixing Zisha Teapot

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

A common mistake people make is thinking you can use your teapot as soon as you get it. We often get questions from people who are curious or taken aback by the smell they sense after getting the piece of teaware. It can be described as “earthy”, “muddy”, “moldy”, and even “fishy”.

To lighten the earthy smell of clay and prepare the teapot for tea brewing we always need to season it before use. (Read more)

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Choosing the Right Teaware for Gongfucha

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

So we’ve already covered the importance of clay when drinking tea, and in the previous post we discussed some important points when investing in Yixing teaware. But how about all the other teaware that’s out there? Read more for tips on purchasing the right teaware for your Chinese tea ceremonies or solo drinking!

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What You Need to Know About Purchasing a Yixing Teapot

Posted by Angelina Kurganska on

Yixing teaware is renowned for being the perfect teaware when it comes to gongfucha but unfortunately, there is still some myth and confusion surrounding these teapots... (Read more)

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